Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Emmeline's Top Ten at 20 months

Emmeline at the Franklin Institute
on Valentines Day

For this month's update, I thought I would share Emmeline's current Top Ten favorite things:

10. Watching people coming to or going from our house while standing on the first-floor window ledge: "Weendow!  See 'em!"

9. Saying "Emmeline do it!" to almost everything.

8. Standing on the step-stool at the sink to help mommy do the dishes or insist that it is time to "wash hands!"

7. Bubbles! In the sink, in the tub, in the doesn't matter.

6. Carrying photographs of her family and friends around the house with her.  She likes to eat with the pictures propped up around her or let the photos watch her play.  The other day she put all of the pictures in a doll stroller and declared that she was pushing "errybody."

5. Sesame Street characters, but especially Elmo and Abby Cadabi.

4. Being a mommy to all six of her baby dolls.

3. Playing with friends!  She can't get enough of those play dates!

2. Going on excursions anywhere but her favorite destinations are the library, the park, and Kate and Mike's house (Miny! Tate! Mike! Home!  See 'em!).

1. Anything sweet...cake and "i-peen" (ice cream) are her favorites.  She asks for ice cream about ten times a day, though she only gets it very rarely.

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