Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Auntie Jacy is Here!

My baby sister Jacy arrived on July 30 and we are having a blast! It is now a tradition for Jacy to visit us all by herself during the summer for a week or so. This is the fourth summer that she has made the journey all by her lonesome. Now she is 17; I wonder how much longer she will be interested in spending part of her summer with a couple of old married folks and her little niece?:

Auntie Jacy has arrived!

Kate, Mike and Milly joined us for pool fun and dinner on
Saturday; Milly LOVES the water!

Emmeline prefers to stay out of the water.  She likes
to take water out of the pool and pour it into cups
and bowls.  I hope she grows out of her fear of water
soon.  She won't even let us wash her hair in the tub.

Jacy feeds Milly a bottle.  I can't believe how long it
has been since anyone fed Emmmeline a bottle.  My, how
time flies...

Emmeline gets to feed Milly again.  Open wide!

Emmeline and her friend Elisa at Bellevue park on
Sunday.  Another fun night of free music!

Emmeline concentrates on Jacy's feet as Jacy explains
how to jump off a cement block.

Oh!  That was fun!

Swinging like a monkey on the top of the slide as
daddy anxiously polices the situation from behind.

Choo-choo, cha buggy!  Maybe Central High's yearbook could
use another picture or two?  This would be a good one...

Emmeline saw this stone wall and said: Humpty
Dumpty sat on the wall?!

Emmeline Louise and Jacy Kaitlyn

Us girls

This morning: eating a peach in pigtails.  The pigtails lasted
about ten more minutes.  I can't even describe how cute
Emmeline is in pigtails, barrettes and clips but you will
hardly ever see pictures of her in them.  She gets pretty
frustrated with them and I get equally frustrated as she pulls
them out.  Her bangs then hang over her eyes and I want to
scream!  Arg!

Playing in the sand at Rehoboth Beach this afternoon.
Notice the Dora Band-Aids on her knees, compliments
of tripping yesterday during our walk.  She is such a little
tomboy!  Scruffy, scrappy, and no patience for fluff! And, no,
she did not get in the ocean. Not even close.

Auntie Jacy and Emmy Lou; so happy to be together!

Yummy little toddler.

Diggin' with daddy.

Working hard.

Ice cream!

Pure contentment.

Another annual tradition: burying Jacy in the sand.
Emmeline was very worried about poor Jacy under
all that sand.

But was reassured as Jacy continued to smile throughout
the burying process.  (If you can't tell, this is one of Paul's
favorite traditions, too!)

Kiss, kiss!

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