Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ramblings of an Insomniatic Mama

It is late, late, late and I am still wide awake. This is one of the many problems of having a night owl baby...and of working in the evenings. I taught tonight from 6pm-10pm...yes, I kept 'em the full four hours. Othello is a dense play (what Shakespeare play isn't?!) and we had a lot to do. Unfortunately, one of my students fell asleep. Do you know how bad that makes me feel? In the middle of my class...he just put his head down on his desk and took a little nap. I use a squirt bottle for the cats when they are misbehaving. I think I should start stashing one in my teaching bag, too. Think of the fun I could have. Students could earn a squirt for the following offenses: napping, walking in late, taking a potty break in the middle of class, snickering with a fellow classmate at an inopportune time, texting, yawning, constantly checking the time, messing with noisy wrappers, eating soup and crackers (yes, this has an 8am class!), asking for another copy of the syllabus, turning in late work, giving an excuse for missing the previous class, wearing pajamas or something disgustingly revealing to class, burping, a ringing cellphone, or disagreeing with me. Could I get sued or fired for that?
Anyway, Emmeline and Paul are tucked in for the night; Emmeline has woken up twice since I laid her down at about 11:30. I needed some downtime after teaching and mommy-ing so I watched the rest of my Sex and the City, season six DVDs that I got for Christmas. It is so sad to know that I finally reached the end...sniff. But the movie comes out one day before my birthday! I am going to ask my friends to take me to the movie and then out for cosmopolitans afterwards. Yay!
Thank you world wide web for sharing my insomnia with me. I suppose I should try to get some sleep before Emmeline wakes up. She has been sleeping better lately, though. Maybe it is because in the past week or so she is rolling around all day long and is probably tiring herself out. We are just waiting for her to get up on her knees and start scooting along. The cats are not too happy with her new-found mobility. She rolls right into them as they are slumbering in warm, sunny patches on the carpet. Just you wait kitties...she will be pulling at your tails and chasing around the house in no time at all!

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