Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bunch of Belated Business

OK, so it is bothering me that I am so far behind on Emmeline's blog. We have had so many interesting adventures and happenings here, there, and everywhere that I am not able to gloss over them or let them go by without giving them due attention.  I am unable to move forward with the blog until I post some pictures and comments about a few things that have happened since Thanksgiving.  So, the first (and probably most exciting!) thing that happened was that Kate and Mike finally had their baby on December 2nd!  Emilia Rose (she will go by Milly) was born at 3:11pm, weighed 6lbs 9oz and was 20.25 inches long:

Sweet Milly Rose

Mommy and baby

I think Emmeline was a little jealous but
she was pretty excited, too.

Emmeline really wanted to play with Milly
as she plays with her baby dolls (roughly,
that is.)

Emmeline was disappointed that she couldn't
climb into the bed to snuggle with Kate; she
is one of Emmeline's favorite snuggle buddies.
She had to make due with Kate's finger.

Milly is now six weeks old and is doing great.  Kate and Mike are both really tired but are positively glowing.  We have been able to spend some good time with them since we have been back from the Midwest and it is so much fun to hold that little one.  Emmeline squeals with delight when she sees Milly and talks about the baby and "Tate" (Kate) several times a day.  It is pretty cute.  We look forward to watching Milly grow and having lots of play dates!

On December 6-7 we travelled to NYC to see our friends Erin and Charles and their son, Baird.  (Rumor has it they are moving to Brooklyn!)  It was a quick trip but we were itching to get to NYC and wanted Emmeline to see Rockerfeller Center.  Unfortunately the closest that we could get was about a block and a half away.  The people traffic was unbelievable and since we had two toddlers in strollers, we decided not to muscle our way through.  But luckily Charles works in a huge building close to Rockerfeller so we went up to his office (42nd floor, I think) and had a great view of the city.  If I worked in that office, I would never get any work done!  We could see Rockerfeller Center from where we were, but it was pretty tiny:

You can see the rink and the tree in the upper
right-hand portion of this pic.  You can see
Emmeline's head at the bottom, looking down
on the city.

That's the Empire State Building behind
you, Emmeline!  What a view!

This picture (and the next) are courtesy of
Erin; she has a really nice camera!

The three of us in Times Square...brrrr!

Emmeline watching the light show in
Lincoln Center

Baird did a great job sharing his toys and space
with Emmeline; it is nice for him to have practice
as he will have a new brother or sister in July!

Raiding the 'fridge; monkey see, monkey do!

Our last stop before we left the city was Magnolia
Bakery; we always gotta get our cupcake fix!

Emmeline's first taste of a Magnolia
cupcake; it looks like her eyes are
rolling back in her head from the
yummy goodness

That was gooooood!

Christmas adventures, to be continued...

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