Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Tooth Tale, part deux

Tonight we noticed that Emmeline has sprouted another tooth! It is her bottom right so she now has both of her bottom front teeth. I first noticed it when I had just come back from teaching this evening and Paul was holding Emmeline. She was facing me and since Paul is quite a bit taller than me, she and I were nose to nose. It was then that I got my first preview of her second little chomper. How exciting!
She is now rolling all around and pivots around on her stomach. She is very good at reaching anything and everything. Her little fingers are pretty quick! She especially likes to grab for cell phones, remotes and anything that we might be drinking or eating. She is eating solid food about twice a day. Usually bananas in the early afternoon and a combination of a fruit, rice and oatmeal with breast milk in the evening. She tried avocado last Thursday but did not like it very much. We have started to give her little tastes of other things just for fun. She has had a taste of cheese, ice cream and pudding. She likes ice cream a lot. We have also been giving her a sippy cup with water in it. She mostly likes to chew on the spout, but will drink the water if we help her tip the cup.
Seven months is a very fun age. She is incredible social and vocal. She has an easy laugh and smile and loves to be entertained in any way possible. The cats always get a reaction from her; they usually make her smile and babble a bit. When I come home from teaching on Monday and Wednesday evenings she gets really excited to see me. I am greeted at the door with her smiling face and her body wriggling with excitement. I am one lucky mamma.

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