Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 22, 2008

One is right around the corner...

Our little baby is eleven months old today and it is hard to believe that in one short month we will be celebrating her first birthday.  This past month has been filled with exciting developments for Emmeline.  She is now saying six words: Mama, dada, tat (for cat), hi and bear (sounds more like "beah") and baby (sounds like "beebee").  She is saying quite a bit more in her own babyspeak, but she says these six words deliberately and usually attaches them to the person or object or uses them in the correct context.  She has not picked up any signs but she understands what some of them mean.  She does, however, point to things and people quite a bit.  I think this is because we are always pointing at things and naming them for her.  Her walking is coming along quite well and her balance is rather amazing.  She is so cute when she is walking towards me because she hurries her last few steps into my arms as if she is running.  Her play is definitely active but she is also becoming more interested in looking at books.  In the mornings before her nap she enjoys sitting on my lap, sucking her thumb and looking through a book. She likes the books that have actual photographs of things as opposed to drawings.  She can successfully find the cat, but we are still working on all the other animals.  I can't wait to see and experience what the upcoming month will bring!
We took these pictures on Saturday at Bellevue Park's MayFair:

Emmeline and daddy have a chat


Enjoying some custard at Rita's

More please!


Our dear friends, Kate and Mike.
(Pst! They are 14 weeks pregnant!)

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