Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy 88th Birthday Great-Grandma!

My grandmother, Alice Margaret, turns 88 today. She was born in Aneta, Minnesota on a farm in 1920. German was spoken in her home when she was a child and still remembers snatches of phrases and numbers in German. She was married in 1944 to Frank Jacob, also born on a Minnesota farm though he came from a Czechoslovakian home. She bore seven children, has fourteen grandchildren and I don't know how many great-grandchildren...but Emmeline is one of them. Emmeline's name is partly derived from my grandmother's mother's name: Emma. When grandma first learned of Emmeline's name, she said "My mom's name was Emma. Did you know that?" She says this every time I have seen her since Emmeline's birth.

Grandma is living an interesting life: born during the roaring 20's (though Minnesota farms knew nothing of that), came of age during the Depression and witnessed a bother and a son go to war, WWII and Vietnam respectively. She never learned to drive or ever received a paycheck. She has raised men and women that teach, make machines and cars work, make sure the cities operate correctly and efficiently, and, more importantly, she has raised her children to be good parents and thoughtful people. Most of her grown grandchildren own homes, have college degrees and children of their own. A few of us grandchildren even have graduate degrees. A lot of my mom's wisdom has come from her own mom. More often than not, when I get into a tough spot with Emmeline, she will say, "Well, I am going to tell you what my mom told me...".

I was named after my grandma and I have always felt a special connection with her not just because she is my namesake but because she has been in my life everyday of my life. I hope she knows how much she means to me and how much I love her.

Happy birthday grandma. I wish I was there with you today and every day.

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